Sunday 5 January 2014

Liz Phair Quotes

Liz Phair Quotes"I just want to make music and make a living. I just have to find the means of doing that."

"When you love what you do, you're happy just doing it."

"Now, in music, it seems more like the popular crowd suppresses anyone who is different."

"You have to do what you need to do as an artist. You have to have that courage."

"It was a source of shame for my family that I was in rock & roll, which is so blue collar."

"You know what really bugs me about my videos? When they can't figure out what to do, they just have me change clothes five times."

"Women's bodies are used to sell anything and everything because it works, it grabs people's attention, and advertisers aren't going to stop using something that works."

"I am just like you and everybody else. I am trying to live life as best I can."

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