Friday 19 April 2013

Neil Young Quotes

"I totally have no other talent and I would be totally out of work if I did anything else."

"Commitments are one of  the worst things to have in the music business. They're very annoying."

"My music isn't anything but me. It has jazz in it, and rock & roll, and it has an urgency to it."

"I never met Johnny Rotten, but I like what he did to people."

"I have so many opinions about everything it just comes out during my music. It's a battle for me. I try not to be preachy. That's a real danger."

"The sixties was one of the first times the power of music was used by a generation to bind them together."

"When people start asking you to do the same thing over and over again, that's when you know you're way too close to something that you don't want to be near."

"Remember when you used to watch TV in the sixties and you'd see Perry Como in a cashmere sweater? That's what rock & roll is becoming. It's your parents' music."

"I'll never be Bob Dylan. He's the master. If I'd like to be anyone, it's him. And he's a great writer, true to his music and done what he feels is the right thing to do for years and years and years."

"I never forgot, that every time a new Beatles or Dylan album came out, you knew they were way beyond it. They were always doing something else, always moving down the line."

"I just do what I do. I like to make music."

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